Vibrational Health Test & Detoxification

A blood-drop from the client will be used for this test and following imbalances will be tested:

*Parasites                                                                                     * Source-energy 

*Fungi (candida etc.)                                                              * Bio-electric /crystaline field

*Germs /virus                                                                             * Imbalances of specific organs

*Toxicity                                                                                       * Cellular stress level

*Blood and Lymphatic system                                           * Radiation load

*Inflammation                                                                          * Endocrine system

*Immune system function                                                  * Heavy metal load

*Nutritional imbalances will be tested more specific when important!

Different  energy- medicines, frequency treatment at distance etc. will  be tested and can be combined to raise the vibrations of the body  and  supporting the detoxification -and healing.  

In the detox processes of the client,  I most often use these frequency treatments (look under frequency treatment!)  for cleansing  e.g parasites, fungi , candida , toxins and help support the detoxification of the organs - lymphatic system , kidneys etc .

These vibrations work very deep on a cellular level.

Its important to support the detoxification with clean, high vibrational food. Detoxification is not a treatment - I look at the body as the greatest healer and I became a detoxification specialist, because I wanted to get a deeper understanding of how  the food you eat has a direct effect upon  the health.  If you want to receive a deeper healing and detoxification  of the body I have the possibility to offer coaching within this ambit also.  

A few nutrition products (herbs or other ) will be tested out when needed to support the detoxification  of the body further.  

Detox test Euro 125/DK kr. 950,-      

Detox test + 3 weeks frequency treatment Euro 225 / DK kr. 1700,-

Alle rettigheder forbeholdes 2020
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