Galactic healing circles
- Now in Spain and Denmark!!
In these healing circles we activate portals within the body and the higher spiritual centers (above the body) to higher dimensions of consciousness , healing and transformationWe are 2 Galactic healers who work with the group in close contact with Galactic beings. There will be galactic messages for the circle.. .
We use galactic crystals - specific encoded for the group from our Galactic contacts (this work take place days before the circle.).
3 days after the Circle we will work with the group from distance - activating the energies .
What can these Healing Circles bring you :
* Deep healing and consciousness activation - inner and outer transformation.
* Releasing of blockages -
* Feeling more free, joyful and in more inner peace ,
* Deeper feeling of contact with your essence and soul.
* Flow in life
Many will experience strong contact with the energies under and after the circle.